Tuesday, 25 November 2014


This session was a talk based on propaganda and how it is seen with in societies over time, especially during the world war, It can be seen in entertainment, News papers etc. Propaganda meaning-
" information, especially of biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view". 

This is an animation made by disney we watched in relation into propaganda and relates to the stereotypical images painted of other races e.g. "japanese," and the way they saw the war in general, when you watch this it paints an image in your head of what they want you to see and not what you should see.

If they put an article of a french man and dressed him up in a black french hat and blue and white striped top, you would then think that all people in france look like that because the news brain washes you into believing so because you believe all the propaganda in a news paper is truthful.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Chronologies: communication and mass media


The talk was mainly about the visuals graphics possesses and how using graphics on a image changes its appearance and is given a meaning and purpose. There was a comparison between graphics and other artist precessions and how they either feed into graphics and how graphics is a very young profession in art history, the creator of the word "Graphic Design" was William Addison Dwiggins.

IBM Graphic Type by Paul Rand



Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Pictures at work

To days session was all about how we see pictures and what our first impressions can be, we were looking at stepping into a mind of an illustrator and thinking about the a way we as artist perceive the word "illustration" we looked at illustrators and ancient sayings e.g (Hermeniatics) - "We weren't remote witnesses, we were apart of the world we are analysing." We need to always engage with the things the world has to offer to understand and build our knowledge by reading, talking and engaging.

Adrian Tomine (New Yorker Magazine cover) 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Auteurship and the avantgarde

Notes on Auteurship and the avantgarde, "Auteur" which is Author in french this was a talk about authors and how they edit films, there perceptions on filming and what they do on a whole, what are peoples perceptions on certain films and why they feel that way. We looked at at a trailer for Jason And The Argonauts, we looked at how they have developed ideas and techniques through time. The trailer talked about a animation technique called Dynamation which is a technique used to give film colour and brightness. Movements of unreal characters more interesting e.g. Seventh voyage of Sinbad. We all later had an opinionated discussion on how HollyWood movies are perceived and what really attracts people to see the movie e.g. "having a book relating to the film so they want to see if the movie is like the book".