Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Research for essay response

I have created a response based on the message and layout of this animation to help me with the appearance and for of my character and setting. I like this animation for its skill of informing people on the drastic changes that women make to themselves and the effects of this. The animation communicates the negativity of change through the use of over enlargement of body parts and the effects it can lead through over exaggeration e.g. unpleasant rotting of specific features. The hands that come in to adjust the body work very well because of their appearance and quick movement and the approach to removing vital parts from the woman's body.

This animation contains a more soft but still gruesome approach to communicating the message of female sexualisation through the use of a young girls tool kit demonstrating the irony of making the subject of cosmetic surgery look good through the use of a child opening the kit in amaze but still communicates a gruesome factors thought steps of the surgery details. The animation style is very detailed but simple in how the features move, almost feels like the steps are an animated comic, the use of detail is visual and effective to the eye because it illustrates step by step the drastic changes a woman make through simplistic imagery with clear indiction through colour e.g. nipples, arrows and implants.

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