Wednesday, 3 February 2016

complexion and change of looks in characters




all of these characters are of Japanese and chinese heritage, the only positive to say about these characters is that they are all voiced by asian actors but their complexion is all wrong, they are all made to look very light in skin tone and their features are close to the features of a white person.

These characters are all designed by white people, these features are based on their idea of what asian people look like which is not true in its depiction in comparison to living asain people. The only character that is not asian would be Pocahontas being a Native Indian and even she is made to look lighter compared to an actual native Indian.

Considering some of these characters are from a video game, they have all been animated in some shape or form, Pocahontes and Mulan are both animation which feature two main characters both of a race thats non white.

As identified in the new street fight based on a Brazilian character called laura is said to be too light in skin colour for a brazillian woman.

Sometimes this could be unintentional because sometime its down

“Our problem isn’t that Laura is light skin, our problem is that dark skin representation for women of colour is non-existent,”

Should ‘street fighter’s’ new Brazilian character have darker skin? (2015) Available at: (Accessed: 3 February 2016).


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