Wednesday 27 April 2016

Finished animation

For this animation I worked on making an animated slide show about Orienalism and stereotyping with in animation, reason being that I liked the idea of making an animation which displayed both text and images, which would work well together. I mainly developed this slide show animation, because I had limited time to work on my final animation and the original idea I had which was to draw all scenes frame by frame would have taken very long so I need to cut the work load short some how so I came up with this idea because it made life easier.

Doing this has made my project move forward because it has been progressively quick to make and the out come has been said to have looked good.

It very well I have managed to fit all the information I needed into each scene and have showed a few people which were very impress with the work I had done.

The Only thing I would say if I was to do this animation again from scratch I would have done it when I had more time and would make sure the characters had a bit more animation going e.g body movement.

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