Thursday, 5 November 2015


For  this lecture we talked about representation and stereotyping through identity. The main topics we covered were Race/ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Class, nationality, covering the main issues in the representation of these areas and how artists have represented these words through their use and style of art and the reasons why. This gained by interest mainly for the reasons of stereotyping, which I am looking to cover in my current essay directed at similar issues in racism and orientalism, the main topic that caught my attention was the talk about the representation to the black race in relation to intelligence levelly also similar to Edward W.Said in that his book Orientalism highlights the West have on other countries outside of Europe and America, main them thinking that they are higher than any other race or nation to feel that they have the authority to dictate.

I will be highlighting some of these issues in my essay because I feel that there is strong understanding of these subjects in my mind and I will have have the knowledge to get down a lot of knowledgeable information in regards to this subject.

Phrenology-(State of mind)

Physiognomy-(Perception of look) 
Animation plays on the idea of creating an identification for both characters and the company that produce the animations the reason why this relates to phrenology because the characters with an animation say a lot about the animation it self and the people who make it. many pieces of an nation play of stereotypes to do with the make up e.g. how black character are made to look monkey like and stupid play of the idea to do with phrenology and the idea of the west considering the making of black people to be animal like. people say that art work says a lot about the people who produce it and their perception, there are intentions behind the ideas of certain animations and why people make them the way they are.

Boondocks is  black animation which uses the issue of racism as a laughing point for all audience but makes the issue apply to every race so that it is levelled equally and does not attack specific individuals. It was made to be a black comedy but highlights all the problems we all deal with in todays modern society.

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