Sunday, 17 January 2016

Cleveland Show (Identified stereotyping)

The Cleveland show is a spin off of the family Guy TV series created by Seth Macfarlane, featuring one of the main protagonists and friend of Peter Griffin called Cleveland. The Cleveland show was developed as another show for Cleveland himself and was to explore his life and way of living. His character is voiced by Mike henry and is given the role of both a over weight, lazy, dimwitted and lustful black man which are stereotypes dated back through time based on the western idea of superiority. One of the questions that could be asked is why Cleveland as a black male character has to have a very dull and idiotic voice. A lot of the black characters are given foolish roles, another question that could be asked is why Cleveland as a black character voiced by a western male, because being a black character, he should have a black voice. This could be an intention of the west trying to make the black character look foolish animation, because they would be regarded of having control over what is aired on TV and the animation it self is owned my white director with wealth.
If the west regard this as not being racist, the question would be, How would they know what is racism if they themselves have been the perpetrators of this over a long period of time through history, because they have never had to deal with this them selves. Till now in modern day society, racism is even fed from everyday life into animation.

"This Family Guy spin-off plays into every well-known black stereotype you've heard before: black people love to dance, black people love R&B and rap, and there's always at least one (or a few) obese relatives in a black family."

Magazine, C. (no date) The 50 most racist TV shows of all time - 18. <em>The Cleveland Show</em>. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2016).


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