To day we talked about about the importance of Context of practice, the main focus was the aspect of research and why it is very important for me as an art practitioner to focus mainly on research before producing my own finalised project out come. The talk was very in depth about the cycle of researching and the different ways information could be presented, from this lecture I have learnt that research is an informative source that I am able to learn from by failing to gather correct information, this is said to help us as designers to learn the right and wrong way of how to research. It is said that is's better for art practitioners to fail now so that we learn quickly from our mistakes, There are cycles relating to research as a professional skill demonstrating stage by stage on how research must be done . Planning is an important factor that builds research it give me a set layout to work out what relates to my brief and helps me identify what needs to be researched. Research must be relative, if not the source of information could be non useful to chosen specialism, I understood clearly what was talked about and the seriousness of making sure I understood the difference between primary and secondary research. Few examples of methodical ways of researching were mentioned, primary is your own personal provided information based on highlighted subject area chosen and developed by you and secondary research is information collected and represented through analysis as a problem solver.
I feel the point of this lecture was to get me to understand the right way of researching and to explain the usefulness of planning and how it can help young artist like me achieve more knowledge and understanding, research is important and demonstrates awareness of my own practice, helps generate ideas and inspires. Research is useful for finding out factual information to help build your personal knowledge and understanding, I personally think this information has opened my eyes more to researching and has help me understand that it takes more than just taking any source to find information and that I always need to take research step by step if I am to gain knowledge of my chosen profession because rushing to gather information means I am not focused on the right and relative sources for research.
Diagram of Planning research |
This diagram is showing that research takes a lot of observation, analysis, reflecting and planning before anyone can gather information because research is all about understanding and If you personally don't have any understanding you don't develop any knowledge on you practice or research.
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