Friday 9 October 2015

Seminar One - Animation and Authorship

The subject of todays seminar was authorship, have been working on developing an understanding of how it authorsip relates to animation. Five words intrudced during this seminar were; Formal, Deconstructive, Abstract, Re-narration, Paradigmatic, Primal, this session was about find ways of linking these words to authership and animation. After examining a Daffy Duck cartoon called "Duck Amuck" there was a talk about what makes the animation link to authorship and what features of being an author feed into this animation and the thought of it.

The general understanding of this topic is that (Barthes) agures for general readers and against the authors over the the understanding of written text by certain authors, Barthes highlights how Authors write based on their own interpritation or understanding, not considering the reader leaving them to question aspects of the Authors written work "who is speaking thus? is it the hero of the story bent on remaining ignorant" (Barthes, 1986). Barthes talks about the importance of understanding writting but how the writter does not allow the reader to do so, this relates to animation in some aspects because  the writter and animator sahe the same roles as creators, the only differece between the two types of practicioners is that aniamtors work to communicate through moving imagery where as the writter communicates through text and characterises through description. The previous quote relates also to the animator because they area creators who work to express motion through fully functional characters and use these charatcers as a device for telling stories that the viewer should understand through watching, though the animators can prsent the viewers with non-sensical imagery sometimes which leaves the viewers to work out what they have previously watched instead of making them understand whilst they are watching.

Author is not really a import for the creation, the writting is what relates to the audience of readers,  so there is no longer a focus on the writter but the impact the text leaves on the readers. The writter is a modern figure that creates a story to communicate through writting from their own prespective at the time relating to what was happening there and then "The author is a modern figure, it product of our society" (Barthes, 1986) this more or less states that the creation of a writter at the time that it is created can not have any serious affect depending on the secomstances at the time e.g. snow white and the seven dwaves relates to this statement because it involves animators creating a fictional female character that is presented as a female stereotype at the time of its creation in the past but to day would be regareded as a stereotype to general viewing public world wide because it has been notice and highlighted over time, people in the 1960's were not aware of the negatives presented based on women, where as in modern day society these points have been evaluated, studied and identified.

As mention in this previous paragraph the writter on a  whole is responsible for the writting but is regarded as invisible by (Barthes) because he belives that Authors should not be th center of attention and people should focus more on the writting its self "For him, for us too, it is language which speaks, not the author" (Barthes, 1986). Animators are also responsible for the work they do but people don't pay any atention to them, the viewers are only interested in the animation and not the person who made it.

The full summary of the whole article along with the previous points is that all writting needs to be understood by the reader but in certain aspects the reader is not regarded or thought when the Author is creating a piece of text, book or article because the writer is creating based on there on vision and has not considered anyone outside of themselves. "There are no painters but most people who engage in painting among other activities" (Marx, K 1970) many people engage in watching an animtion or reading even though they are not animatiors or writers, general people might not be too interesting in reading or animating but still get into a habit of doing so in there spare time. This previous quote by Marx states that anyone can get involved in something easy even though they are not remotely interested or work relitively to the subject personally that they have decided to engage in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


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